General information about company |
Name of The Company | Johnson Pharmacare Limited |
BSE Scrip Code | 532154 |
NSE Symbol | |
MSE Symbol | |
Date of Start of Financial Year | 01-04-2023 |
Date of End of Financial Year | 31-03-2024 |
Reporting Period | Second half yearly |
Date of Start of Reporting Period | 01-10-2023 |
Date of End of Reporting Period | 31-03-2024 |
Level of rounding to be used in disclosing related party transactions | Lakhs |
Whether the company has any related party? | No |
Whether the company has entered into any Related Party transaction during the selected half year for which it wants to submit disclosure? | No |
(I) We declare that the acceptance of fixed deposits by the bans/Non-Banking Finance Company are at the terms uniformly applicable/offered to all shareholders/public | NA |
(II) We declare that the scheduled commercial bank, as per RBI circular RBI/DBR/2015-16/19 dated March 03, 2016, has allowed additional interest of one per cent per annum, over and above the rate of interest mentioned in the schedule of interest rates on savings or a term deposits of bank’s staff and their exclusive associations as well as on deposits of Chairman, Chairman & Managing Director, Executive Director or such other Executives appointed for a fixed tenure. | NA |
(III) Whether the company is a ‘high value debt listed entity’ according to regulation 15 (1A)? | No |
(a) If answer to above question is Yes, whether complying with proviso to regulation 23 (9), i.e., submitting RPT disclosures on the day of results publication? | |
(b) If answer to above question is No, please explain the reason for not complying. | |